How to use Yoga Ball positions for pregnancy and labor Q and A
Why would you use the ball? Sitting on the ball can be very comforting. It is
soft unlike sitting on a chair and even sometimes on a chair with a cushion is
too hard in labor. As you sit you have the baby in a gravity plus position which
helps the baby come onto the cervix. Generally the more pressure the babys head
has on the cervix allows the cervix to dilate faster…and this is especially
helpful for first babies (translate to less time in prodromal labor from 0-4
cms). When you sit the muscles inside the hip bones are relaxed and this gives
the baby just a little more wiggle room as they descend down the birth canal.
The ball easily moves from floor to bed to shower and is easy to clean! Who
would use the ball? Anyone can use the ball. It helps to play with these
positions during pregnancy so you o feel comfortable with them in labor. I had a
weekly student in my yoga class where we did not have access to balls and when
she went into labor and I suggested she sit on the ball for comfort she thought
I was crazy! Many women who have used the ball in my classes or on their own say
it is one of the most comfortable positions in labor. Sitting on the ball really
helps relax the pelvis and is a great gravity plus position. There are also ways
to have the birth partner sit on the ball to support you as you lean on them.
When would I use the ball? Anytime your back hurts she can make hip circles. If
you are trying to get the babys head to pivot from back labor(babys back of
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