Back Pain Relief

Overcoming Back Pain
: About Me
Behind the scenes...
You must be curious as to who, or what goes, on behind the scenes at, or you probably wouldn't have ventured to this page.
Well, here it is...
My name is Claire. Many years ago, oh, around 20, I injured my back. Not a big deal, but enough to remind me every day that it had happened. Since I don't like pain - it tends to slow me down - I've become resourceful in finding ways to make my aches disappear. Of course by now, 20 years later, I've had other age related, "garden-variety" types of things pop up, as well, giving me all that much more motivation to find a "cure".
After dozens of visits (many dozens of them) with physical therapists, chiropractors, and medical doctors, I've found three things. Three things that do wonders for back pain relief: exercise, lifestyle changes and pampering!
Although my site has many of the tips and techniques I have found useful for relieving my own back pain over the years, there is one you haven't yet seen.
One that has truly allowed me to follow through - to the MAX - with my own exercise, lifestyle changes, and pampering!
My approach is certainly not the solution for everyone. However, it will likely get you thinking about how you can create your own work and life style balance, one that may allow you to enjoy life with less pain.
Here is my own story of how I've incorporated...

Exercise, Lifestyle Changes and Pampering

It took awhile, certainly longer than it should have, for me to realize that the major contributor to my back and arthritis pain was my sedentary desk job.
You know the kind of job I mean, where you're expected to be in your chair by 8:00 or 8:30 in the morning, out of it for a bit at lunch time, then back to it for another 5 or 6, or sometimes 7 hours! I'd do the best I could to exercise at night, but there are only so many hours in the day and so much else to do!
I started thinking about things...
Is this how I wanted to spend my days 'till I was 65, or 70 years old? No way! But what else would I do?
Well, several years earlier I had sold real estate as a side venture and the nature of that type of work certainly allowed me to be more physically active. So, back into real estate I went. Great idea for a few years, but then the market tanked, and at the same time my husband was offered a job in another part of the country. The packing began...
...what would I do when we got to where we were going? Get into the real estate market in a new community, during a down-turn? That seemed foolish. Or, spend my days sitting full-time in a cubicle again?
YIKES! I knew there was a better way...
I had read about all those people who work for themselves, from home, and make a decent living off their own Internet business.
That translated to me as PLENTY of time for exercise!
My search was on...
I don't know how it happened, as it was one of those things whereby one Google search lead to another to another to another... but eventually I bypassed all of the "get rich quick" and "make millions with your home based business" schemes and ended up at the home of Site Build It!, otherwise known as SBI.
I was pretty intrigued, although skeptical...
Site BuildIt! has a philosophy of taking something of which you have knowledge and passion, and turning it into a business, a money making business. A process through which they say they will guide you, every step of the way.
But, would they really?
Having seen one scam after another I wasn't so sure. That is, until I read an article in USA Today, in October of '07, about three ordinary people who started websites based around either their hobby or skills, and as a result were making some real money. I checked out the websites mentioned in the article, and to my surprise, one of them was an SBI site.
That did it - I was convinced that SBI was for real. What did I have to lose anyway...
And, what a natural it would be for me to write about exercise and back pain relief!
So far - it's been awesome...
I work hard on my site, real hard. It's a full time job for sure. However, for the first time in my life, I can get my exercise, my chiropractor visits (and my mid-afternoon latte) on my own schedule, not someone else's. And what happens if I want to do my gardening on Friday when it's sunny, instead of on Saturday when the forecast is for rain? You get the picture...
If you've ever dreamed about being able to do something like this yourself, either as a full-time venture or as a side business, read on. It may change the way you do things!
Take a look at the SBI Video Tour (if you're at work be careful - this one has audio!), or the Quick Tour if you don't want sound, or are on a dial-up.
You'll learn all about CTPM, and how SBI will help you find the perfect topic for your site, will help you build it, will teach you the best methods to increase traffic, and last but not least - SBI will show you how to make some money along the way!
Are you like me and need proof that something is what it claims to be? The case studies, and a look at the hundreds of SBI websites that are in the top 1% of ALL Internet websites, certainly made SBI seem pretty credible to me.
You can also check out the videos that some people have made about their own success. You'll see how easy it is to put a site together without any programming or web development skills!
Nor, do you need a product to sell. That's the best part. Right now, I primarily make my money with theGoogle AdSense advertisements that you see scattered throughout my site.
Google handles it all - their "robots" read my pages and select the right combination of ads for my readers. Simple as that!
As time goes on, I'll add other income streams, but for now I'm happy doing what I'm doing, adding more content pages.
Don't be disillusioned, you won't get rich overnight.
It does happen, but only to a RARE few. The idea with an SBI site is to incorporate methods that will help ensure steady progress towards a reliable stream of future income. Actually, the SBI mascot is a tortoise - does that tell you something?
Even though, as I write this, I've only been working on my website for around 6 months, I'm convinced by my progress that I'm doing the right thing for long-term financial stability. So convinced, that I'm about to embark on my second Internet business.
This is where good gets better...
My next site is about a topic of a totally different nature, and one that is going to require me to do a bit of traveling.
Hmmm, do I hear tax deductible? Now the wheels are turning...
And if my husband has another job relocation?
As long as I have my laptop and a high-speed Internet connection, we can go anywhere in the world and I'll never need to worry about where I'll be sitting in a cubicle next, or when I'll have time to exercise!
I'm following a dream!
Feel free to send me questions; I'll be happy to tell you about how I use SBI.
Thanks for visiting.
By the way...
Do you have a small business that you'd like to get on the Internet, but just don't have the time? Or, one that's already there but isn't generating enough traffic? You may want to check out the SBI SiteSell Services offerings, for help in getting the "right kind" of Internet presence.
My second site is travel and vacation related (lots of fun to work on) and my third, is about recipes using a food from that region (also fun to write about!).
I do ask that should you decide to begin your own SBI! web business, and it was through me that you found SBI!, please return here to order it.
Click Here For More Information!
Thank you, claire

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