Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill – 10 Immediate Benefits

Bowflex Series 7 treadmill is rated as one of the top exercise equipments by a leading consumer report. Such acknowledgement is not really surprising at all since Bowflex provides high quality and wonderful features minus the expensive price . Here are ten reasons why you will like this Bowflex series 7 treadmill.
One popular fear is that jogging will harm the knees that will result in agonizing pain in the future. The Bowflex Series 7 treadmill helps you minimize the risk of knee injuries. The Bowflex’s unique Strike Zone Deck cushioning prevents stress to your lower body when you lift and land on the treadmill running belt because the Strike Zone Deck take away the downward force from your knees and joints.
Humans love numbers. Thus, having a visual display on the Bowflex Series 7 treadmill can allow you to keep track your workout . You won’t need to wonder how many miles you ran already, how many calories you have burned, your current speed . Having all these data right in front of your eyes while you workout will help you stay on track with your fitness program and gives you a sense of accomplishment as well.
It is not uncommon to suffer from minor injuries when you run on the pavement. You can tripped or even step on pebbles, or having your ankle twisted because of bumpy ground. You probably experienced or heard people being knocked by bicycles when walking on the streets. You are able to prevent these problems when you run on the treadmil at home. By working out on the Bowflex treadmill in your apartment you are exposed to less risk of injuries.
You are able to set your optimized speed on the Bowflex Series 7 from 0.5-11 Miles Per Hour. Setting your personal target speed at which you wish to exercise can help you keep up with your exercise programs. When you walk or runoutdoor without the Bowflex treadmill, it is not easy for you to maintain your consistent speed particularly when you’re exhausted.
Is working out on the treadmill dull? Working out in your home do not need to be a boring routine. For instance, you could watch your favorite movie or even read a novel during your runs on the treadmill machine. This tends to make time flies by faster. If you are worried of tripping on your runs while watching the tv or reading, you can hold on to the handle on the Bowflex Series 7 treadmill.
Bowflex 7 Series comes with fifteen pre-installed programs and 2 easy to customize ones. The preset exercise programs have been developed specifically according to your exercise objectives. Should you find them not able to meet your objectives, you can customized your own based on your individual requirements.
Should you need some extra challenges, you can adjust the inclination level from 0% to a 12%. You get the feeling like you are running up the slope. For those who like exercising on the slopes, you probably remembered the pain or even damage to your knees on your way down the slope. Safe yourself from the agony of knee injuries by using the treadmills for your hill runs instead.
Have you got any children? It is difficult for parents to fill an exercise routine to their lifestyles. Young childrens need attention all the time. If you do not have the luxury of babysitters, your home is the only place you could workout. With a home exercise equipment such as home Bowflex Series 7 treadmill will enable you to keep an eye on your kids.

Some additional advantages of working out in your own home are saving time, saving gas, avoiding the inconvenience of traffic jams or bad weathers.

If you want to lose weight healthily, exercise is the best way to lose weight and one that is recommended by doctors. Rather than starving yourself for weeks or poisoning your body with those ‘lose-5-inches-in-1-week’ miracle pills. Working out on the treadmill machine will enable you to lose weight at a rate that is harmless for you. Frequent jogging or even a walk on the treadmill at a consistent heart rate will improve the oxygen and blood flow in your body, and strenghten your body and lung muscles too.

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